Monday, March 23, 2009


Santeria is a religion that has its origins in the Yoruba tribe of Africa. The Yorubas lived in what is known today as Nigeria, along the River Niger. At one time had a powerful and complex structure organized in a series of kingdoms, of which the most important was Benin. This lasted for 12 centuries until 1896.
In its efforts to hide his African religion and magical practices, the lucumís identified their African deities (orishas) with the saints of Catholicism, resulting in a religious syncretism known today as Santeria. Santeria worship center and a creative call Olodumare. It comes from everything that exists, and everything returns to it. Olodumare expresses itself on the world created by Ashe. Ashe is the blood of cosmic life, the power of Olodumare to life, strength and justice. It is a divine power that many channels are of greater or lesser receptivity. Ashe is the absolute basis of reality. Believe that one's life is already determined before birth in Ile-Olofi, the house of God in heaven. Those who do not comply will be punished for the orishas and must meet the punishment to be reincarnated.

1 comment:

  1. Woa, I didn't know santeria had its origins in Africa, I always assumed it originated in south America. I had heard of it, but I really didn't know what it was. Interesting.
