Saturday, July 25, 2009

cartoons Garfield

Garfield is the name of the comic strip created by Jim Davis, whose players Garfield the cat, not very bright dog Odie, and his owner, Jon Arbuckle inept (Jon dubbing good-natured in Latin). The protagonist is named for Davis's grandfather, James Garfield Davis, who was named in honor of President James A. Garfield.
Garfield, also called in the series, "The Garf," debuted on June 19, 1978, considered the birthday of Garfield (the cartoons of the June 19 show at Garfield always celebrating his birthday). The cartoon makes fun of pet owners and their relationship with domestic animals, portraying the pet as the true master of the house. Garfield also calls on their way to very human problems, such as diet, I hate Mondays, apathy, boredom, in rare cases is attributed enmity to dogs and cats, the permanent abuse of the elderly, etc..

Through the development of the cartoon, Garfield's behavior becomes more humane and less Gatuna. His physical appearance has also evolved since its inception was a big fat cat jaw loose and small round eyes. Empequeñeció quickly, his eyes widened and became much more smiling. By 1983 it looks familiar (with oval eyes) had taken shape. He also started walking on two legs, and the style of the cartoons has changed to focus on the weaknesses of the cats to emphasize the humorous situations (like the way that Garfield was constantly mocked by Jon unlucky with women).

The cartoons in the newspapers on Mondays to Saturdays color appeared completely from the June 7, 1989.
The cartoon became an animated special for television in 1982, here called Garfield. There were twelve special for television and a television series, Garfield and his friends, which was issued between 1988 and 1995. In recent years, moreover, there have been two film adaptations of the adventures of Garfield: Garfield: The Movie (2004) and Garfield 2 (2006).

Garfield (June 19) is a fat orange cat with black stripes and a distinctive attitude (probably race DSH), a character from the comic, TV series and two movies homonyms. He hates Mondays (not applicable if it is also his birthday), he loves to eat (even admits that all we are not eating raisins and snails) and sleep (both in amazing quantities), watch TV and laugh at Jon and Odie. His favorite food is lasagna and hates raisins, anchovies and spinach. It has been hunting birds, but not mice, it considered disgusting to eat. He also hates spiders, and especially on Mondays.

Odie is a lovable but stupid dog skin yellow and brown ears, constantly pants showing her great tongue. It is the only character without a "voice" (although on one occasion he was thinking: 'I am hungry. "It has also been seen in some talk of dreams and saying Garfield ¨ ¨ smell does not fail). It is the common target of jokes Garfield, the most classic of the throw a kick in the table. The original owner was Lyman Odie, a friend and fellow home of Jon Arbuckle. However, Lyman disappeared in 1983 when, Odie became mascot Jon. Is compared with Garfield, what an idiot babe everything. Recently, Odie seems to be walking more often to two feet. Her first appearance was on August 8, 1978.

Jonathan Q. Arbuckle (Jon): The owner of Garfield and Odie. It is an extremely clumsy and unfortunate, especially in their love life. It was the first conversation partner Garfield and often the target of his jokes. It is a cartoonist, and is forced to spend much money to meet the needs of Garfield, including industrial quantities of food and the destruction it causes in her home.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


When we think about sex, immediately comes to mind the image of sex itself. Surely no one wondered if the sex is more than just a physical encounter between two people for mutual pleasure during a given period of time. But if anyone is thinking about how you feel, after having enjoyed a good sex will notice that even hours later, it invades a feeling of physical and mental. Less willing to be aggressive because you will feel relaxed and happy, more likely to relate to the contest. That is part of the benefits that sex gives our bodies without us noticing them. * It has been found that men who are between 2 and 3 sex per week have less risk of heart attack for those who have once a month. Strangely enough, these benefits of sex, get them with your partner because the unbelievers have more risk of cardiovascular problems because of stress that causes infidelity.

  • With the frequent sex reduces prostate problems, increase testosterone levels, low cholesterol. * Men and women who are sexually active are able to live 10 years longer than the rest.

  • A satisfactory sexuality raises levels of endorphins, a substance that makes us well-being, reduces stress and depression.

  • The immune system is strengthened and it is less prone to diseases.

  • In the practice of sex burn at least 200 calories making it an excellent treatment to keep in shape.

  • The active sexuality prevents sexual dysfunction because it improves the sexual appetite, maintain vaginal elasticity in women and erections in men.

  • Sex rejuvenates, makes people look younger and look better because it keeps muscles toned, the skin is smooth and glowing and hair healthy and shiny.

  • In addition to these benefits promotes good sexual relationship between the couple due to the release of oxytocin (hormone attachment) during orgasm.

This hormone stays in your body for a while and then be diluted. The practice of sex often brings in the blood is constantly bringing the feeling of love and tenderness is always present in pairs and this is better established.


If you think you have very clear what is a sexual relationship, you should read this to the end, perhaps to confirm that you know perfectly or you may discover that your concepts were wrong. We had some time to do a small survey asking people of different sexes and ages at which sexual intercourse is called and how many types of known sex. The concern that led us to these questions was the belief that most people have a misconception of what sex really means.

The answers we got absolutely all of the interviewees were that sex was the introduction of the penis into the vagina. Respect to those types of known sex, the responses were varied, some names of different sex positions and others mentioned homosexual, heterosexual or bisexual. Probably everyone knows scientifically that the sexual act is divided into four phases, the first of it's excitement, during which there is a mental and emotional state accompanied by physical changes at the genitals, the penile erection in men, dilation and lubrication of the vagina in women.

In the second phase plateau called the sexual tension reaches its peak and then to intercourse which is the third in which there is penetration or orgasm, and finally the fourth stage is when the body returns to the calm after the orgasm .

This explanation is valid for understanding that the introduction of the penis into the vagina is just one of the phases of the sexual act and is not even necessary to reach orgasm, and can be perfectly obvious anyway be a sexual relationship. When two people dressed entirely succeed aroused by kissing and fondling and then to scrub the genitals of one against the other and in this way to reach orgasm and ejaculation are 4 stages of completion of the sexual act, there was excitement, plateau, orgasm and resolution, therefore we can say that there was a sexual relationship. The rubbing of genitals is a common practice among teenagers, to perform wearing only underwear or completely naked, but any of these couples can not say that sex and they truly believe.

Along with common examples and known by all, we have the case of mutual masturbation, which through clothing and is accomplished using the hands and the excitement was reaching orgasm, but then these people do not recognize having a sexual relationship . What to say oral sex, when a famous president refused before the whole world have sexual relations with a lady who practiced Petting him in his office, then had to go back and deemed inappropriate relationship, not to call it by its real name. A young man wrote a long time concerned about the possibility of having contracted a sexually transmitted disease, saying that never in his life had had sex, the only thing I did was rub his penis with the other guy.

A clear example is when we think in the encounters between lesbians, they obviously no penetration but no one will deny that they are sex.


Love is a universal concept related to the affinity between people, defined in various ways according to different ideologies and viewpoints (scientific, philosophical, religious, artistic). Usually interpreted as a feeling and a term often associated with romantic love. For Gottfried Leibniz, 'love is finding happiness in your own happiness of another. " In the religious field has strong spiritual connotations, so the feeling goes and becomes a state of soul or consciousness, identified in some religions as God Himself. In Psychology, Robert J. Sternberg believes that there is love for three elements: intimacy, passion and decision or commitment. For Erich Fromm, love is an art. Biology seems to be related to the survival of the individual and the species. According to some, is not exclusive to the human species, and can also make others able to establish emotional ties. Usually the term is associated with romantic love, a passionate relationship between two people with a very important influence on their mutual relationships and sex. However, it also applies to various other relations, such as love or platonic love family and, more broadly, it speaks of love towards God, humanity, nature, art or beauty, often associated with empathy, and other capabilities. According to Gottfried Leibniz, 'love is finding happiness in your own happiness of another. " In most cases it means a great affection for anything that leads to happiness or pleasure-loving. Especially in the western world, often contrasting, to prevent or counteract hatred, contempt or selfishness. According to opinion, love is not exclusive of mankind, but also to all those people who can develop emotional connections with others, such as animals such as monkeys, dolphins, dogs, elephants, etc.. There are even those who believe, no scientific criteria under which the plants grow better if they receive love.

In humans, unlike the love of animals and under an existing design mainly Western and secular love is considered a real sense. In the most common is the result of an emotion based on the attraction and admiration of one subject to another, which may or may not be reciprocated. This strengthens the relationships between an individual and another, from his own inadequacy, he wished the meeting and joining with those who have tried to complement its existence. In some cases, love can be interpreted as a result of hard work, effort and expertise to build and develop an objective, feeling fullness and happiness to be achieved what is desired and worked for a long time. This is the kind of love that a parent can feel toward a child when you see grown and able to face life with full maturity, imitating his father in those things to it for practical wisdom. In this case, love is directed toward the principles that have informed and guided the work and effort is the corroboration that the beliefs which have been fought had their reward. It differs radically from that feeling unconditional love, usually a proponent of the mother, which is addressed only to his son, regardless of any principle.

The Ouija

The Ouija is a board with letters and numbers with cree which can be brought into contact with the dead. In Latin American countries is also known as the "game of the cup." Even differences in their name, there is no distinction between them, in contradiction to many people saying that is a variation of it when it is not. The Ouija is a vague origin located in the fashionable spiritualism that flooded the West towards the end of the nineteenth century, which led to a patent registered on May 28, 1890 declaring Elijah J. Bond as the inventor, William H. A. Maupin and Charles W. Kennard as owners. It is unclear whether Bond or holders actually invented something, or just one of many patented Planchette boards or speakers to communicate with the spirits who were present at Europe and America. In any case, the company created Kennard (Kennard Novelty Company) to manufacture the table and begin selling the first copies in 1890. Kennard also invented the Ouija name, alleging that it was an Egyptian word meaning 'good luck', which is not true. The patent was later sold to William Fuld, a former employee of Kennard, whose company sold the toy until it acquired the rights to Parker Brothers in 1966. Was Fuld who proclaimed that the word "Ouija" was a mixture of the words oui and ja, 'yes' in French and German respectively. According to his followers, the Ouija is to contact people involved in the game with alleged spirits, souls and cultural form is associated with contact with beings of the Catholic religion as God and Satan, though the latter is rejected by scholars of the Ouija.


On that occasion I will hablalr of the creatures of Greek mythology most famous enntre the information referred to Pegasus, the jellyfish, the centaur, the Minotaur and the unicorn. Eomenzare talking Pegasus was born from the blood of Medusa when Perseus cut off her head. It is completely white and has two wings that enable it to fly. One feature is that when your flight is done, move the legs as if in fact he was running through the air.

According to classical sources, Perseus never mounted a flying Pegasus, as it did thanks to the winged sandals, however, many Renaissance artists were flying in what this horse.

The Medusa was a female monster ctónico, who returned from stone to those who watched. He was beheaded by Perseus, who later used his head as a weapon until it was given to the goddess Athena to put it on your shield, the aegis. Since classical antiquity, the image of the head of Medusa is represented in the device away. The centaurs are a race of beings with the body and human head and body of horse. The female versions are called centáurides.

They lived in the mountains of Thessaly and were sons of Ixión and Néfele, the rain cloud. Alternatively, they considered Kentaur children (son Ixión and Néfele) mares and some magnesium, or of Apollo and Hebe. Sometimes that Ixión is planned to have sex with Hera but Zeus, her husband, thereby avoiding a cloud shape with the shape of Hera. Since Ixión is usually considered the ancestor of the centaurs, they may be referred to poetically as Ixiónidas.

The centaurs are known for the fight they had with Lapite, caused by his attempt to kidnap Hipodamía on their wedding day with Pirítoo, King of the Lapita and son Ixión. The quarrel between the cousins is a metaphor for the conflict between the low instincts and civilized behavior in humankind. Theseus, a hero and founder of cities that was present, tilted the balance of the side of the right order of things, and helped Pirítoo. The centaurs fled. (Plutarch, Theseus, 30, Ovid, Metamorphoses xii. 210; Diodoro Siculo iv. 69, 70.) Scenes of battle between the Lapita and centaurs were carved in bas relief on the frieze of the Parthenon, which was dedicated to the wise Athena.

As the Titanomaquia, the defeat of the Titans by the Olympic gods, the contests with the centaurs represent the struggle between civilization and barbarism, and is known as Centauromaquia. The general character of centaurs is that of wild beings, without laws or hospitality, slave of the passions animals. Two exceptions to this rule and Folo Quirón, expressing their "good" nature, being wise and centaurs amables.El unicorn is a mythical creature usually represented as a white horse, with legs of antelope, goat beard, and a horn in frente.

El the unicorn is a fabulous animal protagonist of many stories and legends. In the Middle Ages was considered a wonderful animal capable of defeating an elephant. Furthermore, it was said that his only horn could purify contaminated water for drinking again. the Minotaur was a monster with the body of a man and bull head. The myth has its most complete form in the Library of Apollodorus mythology. Its name means "Bull of Minos, and was conceived from the union between Pasiphae and a bull great an affront on the occasion of God. He was locked in a maze designed by the architect Daedalus, made expressly to retain, probably located in the city of Cnosos in Crete. For many years, men and women were taken to the Labyrinth as a sacrifice to feed the beast's life until it ended in the hands of the hero Theseus.