When we think about sex, immediately comes to mind the image of sex itself. Surely no one wondered if the sex is more than just a physical encounter between two people for mutual pleasure during a given period of time. But if anyone is thinking about how you feel, after having enjoyed a good sex will notice that even hours later, it invades a feeling of physical and mental. Less willing to be aggressive because you will feel relaxed and happy, more likely to relate to the contest. That is part of the benefits that sex gives our bodies without us noticing them. * It has been found that men who are between 2 and 3 sex per week have less risk of heart attack for those who have once a month. Strangely enough, these benefits of sex, get them with your partner because the unbelievers have more risk of cardiovascular problems because of stress that causes infidelity.
- With the frequent sex reduces prostate problems, increase testosterone levels, low cholesterol. * Men and women who are sexually active are able to live 10 years longer than the rest.
- A satisfactory sexuality raises levels of endorphins, a substance that makes us well-being, reduces stress and depression.
- The immune system is strengthened and it is less prone to diseases.
- In the practice of sex burn at least 200 calories making it an excellent treatment to keep in shape.
- Sex rejuvenates, makes people look younger and look better because it keeps muscles toned, the skin is smooth and glowing and hair healthy and shiny.
- In addition to these benefits promotes good sexual relationship between the couple due to the release of oxytocin (hormone attachment) during orgasm.
This hormone stays in your body for a while and then be diluted. The practice of sex often brings in the blood is constantly bringing the feeling of love and tenderness is always present in pairs and this is better established.
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