Saturday, February 21, 2009


A fallen angel is an angel who has been expelled from heaven for disobeying or rebelling against God's mandates. According to the most famous legends, after the First War in Heaven, many angels were expelled, and thus became fallen angels. The most recognized by fallen angel is Lucifer history. There are several assumptions and myths regarding the fall of the angels, most with the theme of free will - lust or vanity, or lack of understanding of acts of God. There is a hypothesis which states that God has two opposite sides to himself, partly because of his omnipotence. Being the first one side and full of divine clarity, and the second one, full of dark shadows. If any mortal could see the clear hand of God would die because of the power that radiates. Under this scenario, God used his dark side in order to communicate with mortals. It is said that developed the two sides of God and the Shadow became the Word of God, and then in the Voice, and eventually became a being completely alone, with its own free will. Now that the dark side of God had been removed altogether, began to receive some family destruction, betrayal, temptation, and so on. This was the reason for the dark side of God to become what many know as Satan. The word "Satan" is a version of the Hebrew word Ha-Satan, which means "adversary." Demons are represented by the seven deadly sins bible marked by:

• Lust,

• Gula,

• Greed,

• Laziness,

• Ira,

• Envy,

• Pride.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting although the concept of a divine duality is not accepted in many religions. I would like to know where you read about this duality. Could you elaborate more?

    I think with the exception of Satan, not all fallen angels are considered demons, are they? I guess I just have a more romantic concept of "fallen angels" like in the movie City of Angels. xP
