Sunday, August 9, 2009

myths about female orgasms

There is evidence that during that time the woman's brain "shuts down".

truths and myths that exist about the female orgasm by New Scientist can learn new responses to old questions about female sexuality.

First, it must be remembered that the point G in women exist, but not all do. This is a small region of the vagina which, when stimulated, can produce intense orgasms.

On the other hand, is a belief that says, at the climax, the woman's brain "shuts down". Brain imaging showed that women can not use your brain when you're having an orgasm.

According to the newspaper La Nacion, women also have sexual problems and, like men, are beginning to be treated with Viagra, but as for the lady. Many do not reach orgasm and this is related to the upbringing and, more importantly, a genetic factor.

The topic is still under debate is female ejaculation. Some people argue that there is not, although there are many who claim that many women can ejaculate any fluid during sex and even books that support this theory.

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