Sunday, August 16, 2009


Technology is the set of abilities to build objects and machines to adapt the environment and meet our needs. It is a word of Greek origin, τεχνολογος formed by tekne (τεχνη, art, technical or trades ") and logos (λογος," all knowledge "). Although several technologies are quite different, it is common to use the term in the singular to refer to one or all of them all. When spelled with capital, technology can refer to the discipline that studies the theoretical knowledge common to all technologies, and technological education, school discipline devoted to familiarization with the most important technologies. Technological activity influences the social and economic progress, but has also produced the deterioration of our environment (biosphere). The technologies can be used to protect the environment and to prevent the growing needs, causing a depletion or degradation of the material and energy resources of our planet. Avoid these problems is a task not only of governments but of all. This requires a good teaching-learning technology in studies of middle school or high school and successful dissemination of problems, diagnoses and proposed solutions in the media. The technologies used in general, different methods of scientific experimentation but it is also used in science. Methods differ according to whether the technology of production of industrial or industrial devices, service delivery, organization or execution of tasks of any kind. A method common to all manufacturing technologies is the use of tools and instruments for the construction of artifacts. Technology services such as power supply system make use of complex facilities by trained personnel. The principal means for making devices are energy and information. Energy allows the material to the shape, location and composition are described by the information. The first tools, including stone hammers and needles of bone, only facilitated the application of force by those applying the principles of simple machines. The use of fire, modifying the composition of foods making them more easily digestible, provides illumination enabling sociability beyond the day, provides heating and keeps at bay the fierce animals, altered both the appearance and human habits. The tools incorporate more detailed information on its operation, including cutting pliers pelacables allowing the sheath to a depth appropriate to boot easily without damaging the metallic soul. The term instruments, in contrast, is more directly associated with the tasks of precision, as in surgical instruments and data collection in electronic instrumentation and measurement instruments, navigation, seamanship and navigation. Machine tools are complex combinations of various tools run (now Computer / PC) for information obtained by instruments also embedded in them.

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