Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sleep Disorders

Sleep disorders are disturbances of sleep or conciliation during the same or changes related to sleep duration, or abnormal behaviors associated with sleep, like sleepwalking and night terror.

Human Papillomavirus

At least 50% of sexually active people will contract genital HPV. Most do not even know they have it. Genital HPV is a virus common among sexually active men and women. In the United States, the genital human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted virus. At least half of sexually active men and women will contract genital HPV at some point in their lives. In general, conditions such as genital warts or mild cellular changes in the cervix of a woman, not a health risk. But sometimes, genital HPV can lead to cervical cancer in women. However, this type of cancer (the most serious consequence of genital HPV) may be prevented with routine Pap tests.


Commonly confused with misogyny to an extreme form of sexism and even machismo. This notion is wrong: misogyny is not to be in favor of the predominance of men over women, but to think that man must be freed from any dependence on the female gender. Women, and resulted in the conception and the family are regarded as aberrant and unacceptable, or in any case, maybe good or for others, but not for oneself.

This aversion is not exclusive to men. The Spanish writer Anna Caballé (see bibliography) has shown that many women have been and are misogynistic. Misogyny has been regarded as a cultural backwardness rooted in the concept of male superiority, which the role of women is devoted exclusively to home and playing.

Arthur Schopenhauer, one of the greatest philosophers of the nineteenth century, misogyny expressed in this way: The more noble and perfect is a being, is more slow and slow to reach maturity. Hardly a man reaches the maturity of his power reasoned mind before the twenty-eight years, while a woman does at eighteen


In Castilian and other modern languages the word "erotica" connotes and denotes everything related to sexuality and not simply the physical act of sex but also all of its projections. Thus eroticism can be seen in combination with the libido, a term most often used by the kind of Freudian psychoanalysis. Eroticism comes from anything that emanates from our area LYBID and is related to sex and erotic love vis-à-vis the love Cáritas. The adjective erotic shows that the issue to be addressed is related to sex, depending on the noun to which it describes. We have, for example, or erotic painting erotic fashion.

What is attention deficit?

The TDA is the behavioral disorder that is diagnosed in childhood and is estimated to affect 3% to 5% of school-age children, ie around 1.5 million children in Mexico suffering from this condition that is characterized mainly by inattention.
What causes it?
The causes of this disorder are not yet clear, it appears that familial predisposition is also scientific evidence that support the conclusions that the TDA has a biological basis and that children with ADD may have lower levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine in critical regions of the brain. Other studies suggest a decline in activity in some brain areas in which implementation tasks are handled (such as organization, integration, anticipation, attention, etc.)..

Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is the disease resulting from abnormal growth of cells in the lung tissue. From epithelial cells, this growth usually malignant, can result in infiltration and metastasis to other tissues of the body.
The most common symptoms are shortness of breath, cough, including cough, bloody, and weight loss, [1] as well as chest pain, hoarseness and swelling in the neck and face [2].
Lung cancer is classified into two main types, depending on the size and appearance of the malignant cells: the small cell lung cancer (small) and non-small cell (non-small). Other types are mixed, and metastatic. [3] This distinction determines treatment and so, while the former is usually treated with chemotherapy and radiation, the second tends to be further surgery, [4] and laser photodynamic therapy. [5] The most common cause of lung cancer is smoking, [6] to be 95 percent of patients with lung cancer ex-smokers and smokers. [7] In the non-smokers, the occurrence of lung cancer they resulted from a combination of genetic factors [8] [9] radon gas, [10] asbestos, [11] and air pollution, [12] [13] [14] including secondary smoke (passive smoking). [ 15] [16] The early diagnosis of lung cancer is a condition for greater success in their treatment. In early stages, lung cancer can, in about 20% of cases [17] be treated successfully by surgical resection for cure. However, due to its virulence and the difficulty of early detection in most cases where diagnosis and metastasis occurs, the lung cancer presents with tumors of the liver, pancreas and esophagus, forecasting worse still an incurable disease, with an average life expectancy of approximately 8 months. [18] In Spain, survival has improved from 6% survival at 5 years for cases diagnosed between 1980 and 1985 to 12.4% for diagnosed between 1990 and 1994. [19]
Lung cancer is one of the most serious of the cancers with a higher incidence in humans, responsible for the higher mortality rates in oncology worldwide. Is the leading cause of cancer death in men and third after colorectal and breast cancer in women [20] [21] causing over one million deaths each year in the world. [22] In England United (2004) and the United States (2006) represents the leading cause of cancer death in women and men. In Spain are around 20,000 cases diagnosed annually, accounting for 18.4% of tumors among men (18,000 cases) and 3.2% among women (2,000 cases) [23].

Como es el cuerpo de un alacran

constituye la región anterior del cuerpo. Incluye la boca, los ojos, el cerebro, los quelíceros, pedipalpos y patas. En él se producen las funciones de locomoción, captura de presas, alimentación, apareamiento y percepción sensorial. A veces se le denomina cefalotórax.

  • Quelíceros. Son apéndices pares en forma de pinza o quela, que se encuentran a los lados de la boca. Están formados por tres artejos y acabados en pinza. Se utilizan en la alimentación, el aseo, para cavar e incluso en el cortejo de la hembra.
  • Pedipalpo (tenazas). También conocidos como pinzas, son apéndices pares situados en la parte anterior del prosoma. En el extremo se encuentra una fuerte quela, utilizadas en la captura de las presas, la alimentación, el apareamiento y la defensa. Están provistos de un gran número de receptores sensoriales que se denominan tricobotrias.
  • Patas. Cuatro pares de apéndices compuesto por 8 segmentos, que se encuentran en el prosoma. Se numeran I a IV de delante atrás. Su función básica es la locomoción, pero también se pueden emplear para excavar, en el apareamiento o en el momento del parto. Las patas están conformadas por las siguientes artejos: coxa, trocánter, fémur, patella, tibia, pretarso, basitarso y telotarso. Las coxas son las estructuras que sirven de base a las patas ambulatorias y a los pedipalpos. Además, forman parte de la cavidad bucal y entran en contacto con las coxas de las patas ambulatorias. Las coxas son progresivamente más largas hacia las patas posteriores, así como también lo son el resto de los segmentos, es decir, el trocánter, fémur, tibia, pretarso, basitarso y telotarso. El telotarso es el segmento distal de las patas, el lado ventral posee desde cerdas densamente agrupadas hasta espinas gruesas ampliamente separadas y tiene además dos uñas.
  • Caparazón. Placa única que recubre dorsalmente el prosoma. En la zona media de éste se encuentran los ojos medios y entre dos y cinco ojos menores. Los ojos menores (llamados ocelos) son laterales, casi en el ángulo anterolateral del caparazón, están formados por el cristalino, la retina y el nervio óptico. Los ojos medianos están formados por el cristalino, el cuerpo vítreo, la retina, la postretina y el nervio óptico y no forman imágenes, solo detectan luz/sombra. El caparazón tiene variada topografía, puede ser liso, granuloso, rugoso o tener una combinación de todas estas características.

The Smurfs

First appeared in an episode of the adventures of Johan and Pirluit called "The six holes of the flute" (La flûte à six trous) when it was published in the magazine Spirou in 1958 under the title "The flute six Smurfs" ( La flûte à six Schtroumpfs) in hardcover tome. These little characters reappear up to three times more on the adventures of John Guillermin and before getting his own mini-cartoon in the magazine Spirou in 1959. It is from this moment when every pitufo begins to acquire a character that will gradually differentiate from each other.
"War of the seven sources" ( "La guerre des fontaines September") or "The spell of Malasombra" ( "Le sortilège of Maltrochu") are among the occurrences of secondary heroes smurfs helping to resolve situations with compromised the magic of the Great Smurf.
Since the completion of the animation "The flute of the Smurfs" based on the original comic flûte à six trous in Spain by Editorial Bruguera called the first appearance of characters like the title of that movie. It would make the sale as the first title of the series of magazines, complete with stories of the characters in the Colección Olé.

The Devil

The devil has been a topic of great interest for thousands of years. He has been painted as a ghost, a man of nightmares or frightening spirit. Also as a handsome man and "diabolical" in a red suit with horns and a big fork in hand. He has been depicted as a cloud "example of everything wrong." Or the cause of all the bad people do. Many know the famous expression "the devil made me do that." While these ideas are common, they are all EVIL!! So when all these together, these provide a poor representation of this great fallen spirit!
Many professed Christians speak long messages and any word about "that old devil and evil." The groups are more excited boards in shops, campaigns, rallies and crusades which tell people, 'Let's throw that devil down. "Large numbers of people are convinced that these meetings took place this purpose.
They are wrong! They only have gained no less than a temporary feeling of satisfaction itself. Unfortunately, the devil is going on these boards much feeling satisfied with the testimony he has seen, and it has caused!
Very few people know the truth about who or what is the devil. This booklet takes the mystery, confusion, ignorance, myth, superstition and misconception around the truth about his identity and origin.


The term comes from the Latin cult 'path', 'method', 'lifestyle', 'political party', 'school of philosophy' (which comes sectátor and sectatorios: 'sticky', 'tracker') that comes from drought: 'continue'. Doubts have been raised that comes from the Latin dry (cut, separate). Come to dry the word "insect" and "sector". In both cases there is the idea of separation.
In Europe the word cult is designed primarily derived drought: 'continue'. This is to follow a teacher, a leader. This happens in many cults.
Also used the euphemism "new religious movements." The problem of terminology is important because, since different areas of thought and science will give you different definitions. The expert Vicente Jara has compiled more than 15 definitions before proposing its own, the sect is "a social group that practices predatory mimicry and the lure.
The Spanish word "sect" sequor comes from the Latin meaning 'follow', which in turn comes from the Indo-European root * sek-( 'follow').
Pursue is the expression of a general feature of social behavior, perhaps related to tribalism, which seeks to impose or enforce conformity.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Early stimulation

Early stimulation for children and babies is not simply a series of exercises, massage and caress (without a clear purpose). It is much more than that; you know every step of the formation of brain structure in children. The early learning should be integrated both physical and intellectual, is very common to find great children physically (sports) but unable to sustain a lively and interesting talk, like other brilliant intellectually incapable of coordinating a run of 20 meters, intelligence must be physical and intellectual. Lately we hear many of the early critics for being exclusionary, the now called emotional intelligence. When we really should be considered for an adequate stimulation is the motivation, stimulation should be synonymous with happiness. The human brain is a dynamic that is very easy to train children full of knowledge or skills, but no motivation, no passion, or children to be stimulated incorrectly are not what they wanted to be their stimulators (athletes, musicians, etc.). But on the contrary will be (anti-anti-sportsmen or artists) that would really also the product of the existing inadequate stimulation caused the "know" but unable to create, organize and manage. Without passion or happiness.

Early stimulation

Early stimulation for children and babies is not simply a series of exercises, massage and caress (without a clear purpose). It is much more than that; you know every step of the formation of brain structure in children. The early learning should be integrated both physical and intellectual, is very common to find great children physically (sports) but unable to sustain a lively and interesting talk, like other brilliant intellectually incapable of coordinating a run of 20 meters, intelligence must be physical and intellectual. Lately we hear many of the early critics for being exclusionary, the now called emotional intelligence. When we really should be considered for an adequate stimulation is the motivation, stimulation should be synonymous with happiness. The human brain is a dynamic that is very easy to train children full of knowledge or skills, but no motivation, no passion, or children to be stimulated incorrectly are not what they wanted to be their stimulators (athletes, musicians, etc.). But on the contrary will be (anti-anti-sportsmen or artists) that would really also the product of the existing inadequate stimulation caused the "know" but unable to create, organize and manage. Without passion or happiness.

What is Homophobia?

Homophobia is the irrational fear of homosexuality before; this fear has various manifestations, such as "revulsion toward homosexuals and often the desire to inflict punishment by way of retribution."

According to Dr. Miguel Urbina, "... this fear may be fuelled by fears (suspect) to the potential homosexual. The intensity of rejection towards homosexuals in the world outside, before it eases the fears in the gay world inside"

A study that appears in the August 1996 edition of a psychology journal, published by the American Psychological Association (APA) provided empirical evidence that is consistent with the theory mentioned above.
In this study, researchers at the University of Georgia conducted an experiment involving 35 homophobic men and 29 non-homophobic men, measured by the index of the scale Homophobia. All participants selected for the study were described as heterosexual. Each participant was exposed to sexually-explicit erotic stimuli consisting of heterosexual viewing videotapes of some lesbian and gay men. Their level of sexual interest was measured by a device that records the exact behavior of the movements and reactions of the penis. The Knights, in both groups responded similarly to the video that was a heterosexual behavior as well as the tape showed two women making love. The only significant difference in the interest of both groups witnessed incurred when the video showed two gay individuals in action. "The homophobic men showed a significant increase in penile circumference to the male homosexual video, while the non-homophobic men did not."

The drunkorexia

The drunkorexia is the name of the new food disorder that happens when you mix high doses of alcohol with anorexia or bulimia. This new term, coined by American specialists, is a combination of restriction of food followed by vomiting or binge with alcohol abuse. Specialist explained that if a woman vomited before going to a party, your body is already dehydrated at the time of consuming alcohol. The loss of potassium salts and the lack of oxygen in the blood cause heart risk. Food or no food associated with excess alcohol act as a magical and dangerous. I give this unit have the feeling that you can control your weight, your mood and euphoria. Anorexia and bulimia are the two major areas in this type of eating disorders, but there is "manorexia" (when it affects men), "orthorexia" (an obsession with healthy eating), "diabulimia (diabetics who refuse insulin because fat), and now the "drunkorexia," a term introduced by the New York Times and caused an impact on the U.S. medical community.

Perfect child syndrome

If families receiving each of the past child to go a little way, "the good", sometimes with a smile, sometimes with a sharp revision of the family economy, today the couple say when, how, and especially how to get the children home. So it is almost normal for the first child arrives rather late. Even beyond what would be the best time for women. Various studies say that the conception and pregnancy are optimal manner between 20 and 30 years of life (approximate). The reality is that women are increasingly having their first child about 30 years, if not later. Along with the delay and the reduction of children is a widespread tendency to only those children who meet a minimum level of "quality." No longer surprising that eliminates, almost systematically, embryos and fetuses with diseases such as Down syndrome or anemia (thalassemia) Mediterranean, among other diseases. The famous prenatal diagnosis has become not an instrument that helps to know the health of the child to heal, but a requirement to measure whether the child will be accepted or will be eliminated with an abortion that has become almost routine for these cases. The perfect child syndrome does not stop at removing the sick children, but it can (in some places and is coming) to the removal of the children not having the qualities Dream by adults. Although there are places where abortion is prohibited by sex of the children, there are other places where such abortion is allowed and even encouraged by a highly discriminatory culture.

Female Infidelity and Male infidelity

Female Infidelity
Women eroded by the routine and boredom treated in most cases, to revive, with infidelity, lost the spark of romance. This is not something sexual, but it is, but rather something purely sentimental and not something that will make contact with the vitality of seduction, something that will make it back to feel that drug flow through natural love your body. This type of infidelity, as a sentimental, has a dangerous side. Unlike the sex after the sex ends all too attractive as sentimental things can move on to another level and become a new relationship.

Male infidelity
Male infidelity has much to do with their cases strictly to sex. Bred for years and generations in the culture of the males are in their head, the social message that the more women have over men. This has led to a permanent zeal which often makes them fall into infidelity. This kind of sexual infidelity is not so by the risk that the interest committed since the end when the quota of sex is satisfied.

The Postpartum depression

Postpartum depression is the development of depression in the mother after the birth of their son. Sometimes, this depression can have an easy explanation, either because the child was not wanted or because it is not normal. However, in most cases, depression seems to have no sense: "He wanted so much to have this child and now that I have I feel completely miserable," "What is happening to me?", "The delivery was superb, much better than I expected, and everyone behaves wonderfully with me, especially my husband. I should jump for joy, "" I was afraid that the baby had a birth defect, but it's perfect, "" So, why not I am enjoying, "Maybe not worth to be a parent." These women are not ungrateful or some poor mothers, but they are experiencing one of the most common complications of childbirth, postpartum depression, a disorder that still suffer in silence a large number of women.

Monday, April 20, 2009


A ghost is an apparition not material (often tangible), which usually has a human form of a ghost appearance is not material (often tangible), which generally has the form of humans, although there are cases of animals and objects. Often said that every body is a ghost that manifests itself in some way, but what they represent (eg a person) no longer exists, died or is in a cataleptic state. As to the form of a ghost varies considerably, since there are instances of human well until strange lights or mists. Also often be detected by emitting sounds, changes in temperature in the rooms or the sense that someone else is in place, and so on. or, although there are cases of animals and objects. Often said that every body is a ghost that manifests itself in some way, but what they represent (eg a person) no longer exists, died or is in a cataleptic state. As to the form of a ghost varies considerably, since there are instances of human well until strange lights or mists. Also often be detected by emitting sounds, changes in temperature in the rooms or the sense that someone else is in place, and so on.


The word "metrosexual" was invented in England by Mark Simpson in 1994. Defines a "new man" of the twenty-first century. The metrosexual is a man who does not have to be wealthy, live in the metropolis and likes to wear fashionable clothes, arranged nails (manicures), your skin care (facials, treatments, etc..), Use creams are dyed hair, etc.. This man may be homosexual, heterosexual or bisexual. What matters is that the individual is "like" himself and not afraid to say or do know of course.
Mark Simpson invented a name to define something that has existed for a long time but is now becoming more common. Men who have no shame in painting their nails, paint your hair, use creams for the face, or dress clothes using colorful. While this has always existed, it now appears that many men feel "liberated" the image of the skin "male" that has characterized the man for centuries. This new man may come in contact with his female externalization without fear. However, the metrosexual is not to be confused with a transvestite or processed.


Un metroflog es como un foto log. Es un "espacio" en donde puedes subir (poner en internet) fotos tuyas, imágenes o lo que quieras (siempre y cuando no rompas las reglas del sitio).


es utilizado para referirse a un experto en varias o alguna rama técnica relacionada con la informática: programación, redes de computadoras, sistemas operativos, hardware de red/voz, etc. Se suele llamar hackeo y hackear a las obras propias de un hacker.

El término "hackers" trasciende a los expertos relacionados con la informática, para también referirse a cualquier profesional que está en la cúspide de la excelencia en su profesión, ya que en la descripción más pura, un hacker es aquella persona que le apasiona el conocimiento, descubrir o aprender nuevas cosas y entender el funcionamiento de éstas.


The word horoscope comes from the Greek and its literal meaning would be "reviewing the hours." The classic definition is that these horoscopes are diagrams that represent, for some specific time in time, the relative position of planets and other celestial bodies. One of those moments in time that is often used for the preparation of these diagrams is the birth of a person. In simple words is to determine the position which had the sun, moon and stars for a specific event.


According to anthropological research, the black race was the first to appear on Earth after hominization (transformation of apes into humans primates). This happened in equatorial Africa, Tanzania and Kenya today, it makes a couple of million years .

The pigmentation of human skin due to a substance called melanin, which is highly concentrated in people of darker races. Its purpose is to protect the skin from the damaging ultraviolet rays of the burning sun of the torrid zones.

The proportion of melanin decreases in direct ratio to the clarity of the skin, so people are more white in Northern Europe, because there are different needs, take advantage of every ray of sun which in turn helps in the reaction of ergosterol of the skin to produce vitamin D, a high percentage of melanin would be a barrier to prevent such exploitation. The variety of skin tones is the diverse and expansive peopling of mankind since prehistoric times, migrating to more temperate, less inhospitable and start in pursuit of big game animals.

Therefore there is no support for eugenic theories that defend the supremacy of certain races on the contrary, diversity was due to the circumstances of a long evolutionary process and biological adaptation and migration, not otherwise.


It's called a beer to drink, not distilled, bitter taste that is made from grains of barley or other cereal starches, as amended, is fermented in water and often flavored with hops. [1] [2] it multiple known variants with a wide range of shades due to different forms of preparation and the ingredients used. Generally has an amber color with shades ranging from golden yellow to reddish brown black passing. It is considered "gas" (containing dissolved CO2 saturation is manifested in the form of bubbles at ambient pressure) and is often crowned with a more or less persistent foam. Its appearance can be crystalline or cloudy. Its alcohol content can reach almost 30% volume but is mainly between 3 and 9% Volume% Volume

Electronic music

It's called Electronic music in general to that music played through electronics. This concept also includes the music created with tapes, live electronic music (created in real time with synthesizers and other electronic equipment), concrete music (created from sounds recorded and later modified) and the music that combines the previous . While these types of music relate in principle to the nature of the technology and techniques employed, these divisions are becoming less clear. Now in use other terminologies such as "computer music, electroacoustic music" or "music radio", definitions tend to refer more to aesthetics than to the technologies used.

The abortion

the legal interruption of pregnancy is legal in Mexico City until 12 weeks' gestation, as published by the Government of the City says:

"The legal interruption of pregnancy until the twelfth week of pregnancy was performed by gynecologists physicians - general surgeons or obstetricians, trained or trained in a medical unit with a capacity to care for the legal interruption of pregnancy, and when they meet the following requirements:

I. Written request that the women who practice the legal interruption of pregnancy, by filling the corresponding format.

II. Given to women requesting counseling by medical staff at the hospital unit and freely and voluntarily given informed consent, in the respective formats and

III. At the time of the request for the legal interruption of pregnancy, women have up to twelve weeks gestation, with the accredited medical opinion for gestational age "
I think abortion should be legal because it is possible that unwanted children are born to suffer and come to this world I believe that abortion should be available under the terms of violations that politicians must implement this law in the republic and I believe that abortion is diminished by placing a greater punishment for rapists if not by conscience or by fear

What is an angel?

An angel is an ethereal being found in the beliefs of many religions, whose duties are to assist and serve God. According to the three major monotheistic religions, angels typically act as messengers. More specifically, in Christianity, the word angel refers to the most superior of the nine traditionally divided into the angelic beings. The branch of theology that deals with the angels is called angelología.

From the religious point of view, the Angels are usually viewed as creatures of great purity in many cases designed to protect humans. In this regard, Christianity speaks of guardian angel or custodian, to be who God has brought each person to protegerla1. In contrast, there is also the figure of the fallen angel, who has been expelled from heaven for disobeying or rebelling against God. The best known of them in the Christian tradition, is Lucifer.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


A constellation, in astronomy, is a group of conventional stars whose position in the night sky seemed so close that astronomers of ancient civilizations linked by imaginary lines decided, devising and figures on the celestial sphere. In the vastness of space, however, the stars of a constellation are not necessarily associated, may be even hundreds of light years away from each other. Moreover, these groups are completely arbitrary, because different cultures have devised different constellations, including linking them stars. Even so, some groups tend to recur because of their peculiar configuration, as is the case of Scorpius, the scorpion, its apparent magnitude (brightness) of stars or due to the passage of some recurring celestial bodies-planets Luna and their by-inmediaciones.

Se constellations usually separated into two groups, depending on the celestial hemisphere where they are:

1. Northern constellations, located north of the celestial equator

2. Southern constellations in the south.

Due to the time elapsed and the lack of historical records, it is difficult to know the precise origin of the oldest constellations in the western world. It seems that Leo, the Lion, Taurus the bull, and Scorpius, the scorpion, there was a long time in the culture of Mesopotamia, some 4000 years before the Christian era, though not necessarily receiving those names. It is believed that the interest of these old towns in the arrangement of the stars was primarily practical reasons, usually with agricultural purposes, travel and religious aid for measuring time and seasons and to provide guidance to mariners and merchants when conducting overnight trips, either by sea or desert. Thus, imagining figures which relate to groups of stars (and creating legends and stories of what they represent, see Mythology, Astrology-) would be easier and safer routes to remind seguir.De 88 constellations adopted by the International Astronomical Union (UAI), almost half come from the imagination of the Greek astronomers. Orión Homer mentions in the Odyssey. In Ancient Egypt was known as Sahu thousand years earlier.

The Zodiac is divided into twelve constellations, born in Babylon during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar II century a. VI C., linked to the twelve year lunation. We adopt the Greek culture, giving the current name the constellations.

The most famous are the constellations of the zodiac which are in a banda which passes the sun and planets. These constellations were the following.

Aries the ram , Taurus the bull, Gemini the twins, Cancer the crab, Leo the lion, Sagittarius the archer, Capricorn the sea goat, Aquarius the water carrier or water carrier, Pisces the fish.

The constellations in this list are considered the oldest, having an obvious importance in astrology (discipline formerly confused with astronomy). It should be noted that this list of 12 constellations, it would add, modern, a thirteenth: Ophiuchus, the serpentarium. Currently, and astronomically speaking, the sun passes through its boundaries, as defined by the IAU from November 30 to December 17. The former probably did not take this into consideration (or not revealed) for aesthetic reasons or astrological, or simply to the time of the first creators of the Zodiac did not exist.

UFO (Unidentified Flying Object)

UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) refers to a phenomenon described as suspected flying object, real or apparent, which can not be identified by the observer and whose origin is still unknown after an investigation. Sightings of unusual aerial phenomena date back to antiquity, but the term became popular UFO sighting since the first, which was released in 1947. Since then, tens of thousands of people around the world have claimed to have seen UFOs. Due to numerous reports, some groups ufological speculate that it would be quite likely that it has been informed of many others due to fear of ridicule public, given the social stigma that has been created on the UFO topic. This is because in the popular culture around the world, is generally used the term UFO to refer to any hypothetical alien spacecraft, although the term itself does not really define the nature of fenómeno.
Into ufological and some groups of believers in the phenomenon , who is also postulated that many of these ancient references, records of observations would be true of alleged alien craft.
They also point out that if these were manned aerial vehicles, would also contact with any extraterrestrial beings, who conveyed to the observers different lessons. According to this theory, the origin of many of the civilizations of the past (Egypt, Babylon, etc..) Lie in these primitive contacts. How they have seen the UFO phenomenon are varied between the forms that show the phenomenon include:
• Foo Fighters: Phenomenon, whose name derives from the English language and in Spanish means ghost fighters. Its origin dates back to World War II, as the Pilots fighters on both sides (the Axis Powers and the Allies) observed this phenomenon and the surprise was that the objects were not detected by the radar. Lights were seen as small, apparently with mass, although in some cases small lights across the exterior to the interior of the cabins of the pilots, its size, according to the reports varied from 10 cm to 5 m, described as glowing balls. At present it is considered that the objects sighted by the pilots were actually globular lightning.
• Sphere: a phenomenon usually seen as a solid and opaque, although sightings have been reported in areas or bright translucent, rigid or flexible.
• Disk: phenomenon to be observed with a flat, sometimes bulky in the center, presented a bright or metallic sheen.
• Cigar / pure: a phenomenon that has been seen as a cylindrical or similar large cylinders (usually greater than the other forms), long and bright, but also have been without luminosity or brightness.
• Worm: a phenomenon that is presented with an elongated shape with a tubular appearance, with an apparently similar to the worms. Among ufologists and criptozoología, is known as Rod. It also said it would expel spherical objects in the atmosphere.
• Delta or triangle: the phenomenon that have been observed ships with triangular shape possible, often have a light at each vertex. In this description discusses its category as a real UFO, and most researchers attribute their home ground as aircraft pilot or secret known only to the civilian world.


In many civilizations believed in reincarnation. Added to this vision and within the study of metaphysics, ghosts are souls that refuse to be 'recycled' within the cycle of samsara (cycle of reincarnation), they have left some unfinished task. The perfect metaphysical or exorcists of various faiths can help the ghost to be reincarnated or disappearance of the existence of this dimension Quaternary (as Metaphysics).

The belief in china and india, in addition to reincarnate, a ghost can also choose to immortality, becoming a demigod and power through his spiritual elevation transcend various levels, in addition to serving human beings, or you can go to hell and suffer karmáticos cycles. Other Eastern religions such as Shinto in Japan, recognize the existence of spirits of any kind and accepting the belief in ghosts as part of life cotidiana.A that modern man has developed new communication technologies, stakeholders engage in with the ghosts have sought to use for this purpose: for example, speaks of psicofonías (sound recordings in which he allegedly heard the voice or the movement of some deceased) and psicoimágenes (static or moving images in which, allegedly, a ghostly presence can be distinguished). However, those who seek to justify the existence of another world and communicate with it must first justify why almost all spiritual manifestations are often applications of psychology of deceit or fraud.


Love is a universal concept related to the affinity between people, defined in various ways according to different ideologies and viewpoints, most people view it as a feeling and the romantisismo. Finding love is the happiness of another tupropia happiness. In the most common LOVE is an emotion based on the attraction and admiration of one subject to another, which may or may not be reciprocated. This strengthens the relationships between an individual and another, from his own inadequacy, he wished the meeting and joining with those who have tried to complement its existence. love can be interpreted as a result of hard work, effort and expertise to build and develop an objective, feeling fullness and happiness to be achieved what is desired and worked for a long time.

This is the kind of love that a parent can feel toward a child when you see grown and able to face life with full maturity, imitating his father in those things to it for practical wisdom. In this case, love is directed toward the principles that have informed and guided the work and effort is the corroboration that the beliefs which have been fought had their reward. Love can be interpreted as a result of hard work, effort and expertise to build and develop an objective, feeling fullness and happiness to be achieved what is desired and worked for a long time. This is the kind of love that a parent can feel toward a child when you see grown and able to face life with full maturity, imitating his father in those things to it for practical wisdom. In this case, love is directed toward the principles that have informed and guided the work and effort is the corroboration that the beliefs which have fought recompensa.el your love can be interpreted as the result of a hard work, effort and expertise to build and develop an objective, feeling fullness and happiness to be achieved what is desired and worked for a long time. This is the kind of love that a parent can feel toward a child when you see grown and able to face life with full maturity, imitating his father in those things to it for practical wisdom. In this case, love is directed toward the principles that have informed and guided the work and effort is the corroboration that the beliefs which had fought its recompensa.

In monotheistic religious culture, love is mentioned and be supported by God, such as Islam, Judaism and Christianity. The Bible presents a definition of love according to their culture of the time and according to the conception of spiritual love, earthly love than himself:

"Love is suffering, is kind, love does not envy, love is not boastful, not vain and not do anything improper, does not seek its own, not irritated, no holds grudges, is not injustice, else has the truth. Everything suffers all cree, all hopes, all support. "

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

According to the psychological perspective, there are three components to love:

1. Privacy, understood as those feelings within a relationship that promote rapprochement, the linkage and connection.

2. Passion, a state of intense desire for union with the other as an expression of wishes and needs.

3. The decision or commitment, the decision to love another person and the commitment to maintain that love.

These three components can be linked together to form different forms of love: intimacy + passion + commitment passion, intimacy + commitment. After all this I can only conclude by saying that love is the feeling that exists and is the only one who can save us a lot and sometimes even ourselves.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Pandora's Box

Pandora was created by the Gods of Olympus to avenge Prometheus who stole the fire to Zeus. When Prometheus Pandora saw falls in love with their hiso charms and his wife. But Pandora brought something with them: a box containing all evils can pollute the world of misfortunes and all property. One property was Hope consolation of suffering, which also remained locked in one box. Because, then, that life no known human diseases, follies, vices, or poverty, but neither noble sentiments. Pandora, a victim of his curiosity, he opened one fateful day, the box and all the ills of the world escaped, assaulting they wanted to wretched mortals. They say that property rose to Olympus, where he stayed with the gods. Scared, the girl closed the box being hit with Hope very much needed to overcome the evils that beset the man. Pandora hastily ran towards the men to console them, talking of Hope, which could always go it was safe.

Greek Gods

Greek Mythology is the beliefs and ritual observances of the Ancient Greeks, whose civilization was configured to 2000 a.C. Consists mainly of a body of diverse stories and legends about a variety of gods.

The Greeks believed that the gods had chosen Mount Olympus, in a region of Greece called Thessaly, as his residence. At Olympus, the gods formed a society organized in terms of authority and powers, moving with complete freedom and formed three groups controlling two branches: the sky or heaven, sea and land. The twelve main gods, usually called Olympic, were: Zeus, Hera, Hefesto, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite, Hestia, Hermes, Demeter and Poseidon.

Zeus is Greek mythology, the god of heaven and ruler of the Olympic gods. Zeus is the Roman god Jupiter. According to Homer, Zeus was considered the father of gods and mortals. It was not the creator of gods and men was his father, in the sense sovereign and protector of both the Olympic family and the human race. Lord of heaven, the god of rain and clouds gather brandished the terrible thunderbolt. His main weapon was the aegis, his bird the eagle, his tree, oak. Zeus presided over the gods on Mount Olympus, in Thessaly.

Hera is in Greek mythology, queen of the gods, daughter of Titans Cronus and Rhea, sister and wife of the god Zeus. Hera was the goddess of marriage and the protector of married women. She was the mother of Ares, god of war, Hefesto of, god of fire, Hebe, goddess of youth, and Ilitía, goddess of childbirth. Jealous women, Hera persecuted often the lovers and the sons of Zeus. Never forget an insult and was known for her vindictive nature.

Hefesto, the god of fire and metallurgy, the son of god Zeus and the goddess Hera Hefesto was lame and he was kicked out of gawky Olympus by Hera who rejected it for his deformity Artemisa. Was the daughter of the god Zeus and Leto and twin sister of Apollo. Was the leading gods and goddesses of the hunt and wild animals, especially bears, Artemis was the goddess of childbirth, of nature and of crops and goddess of the moon Apollo was especially the god of prophecy. His most important oracle was at Delphi, the site of his victory over python. I used to give the gift of prophecy to those who loved to death.

Athena. emerged as adults in front of the god Zeus and was his favorite daughter. He trusted his shield, adorned with the hideous head of Medusa the Gorgon, his' leadership 'and Lightning, its main weapon. Virgin goddess, received the name of Parthena ( 'virgin'). In gratitude to Athena had given them the olive tree, the people of Athens raised temples to the goddess, the most important was the Parthenon on the Acropolis in Athens. Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty budding legends describe the foam of the sea and its name can be translated as "born of the foam. In Homeric legend, Aphrodite is the wife Hefesto of the lame and ugly god of fire. Among her lovers included Mars, the god of war, which later appeared in mythology as her husband. She was the rival of Persephone, queen of the underworld, for the love of the beautiful Greek youth Adonis.

Hades, god of the dead. Titan was the son of Cronos and Rea and titánide the brother of Zeus and Poseidon. When the three brothers divided the universe after it ousted his father, Cronus, Hades was awarded to the underground world. There, with his queen, Persephone, who had abducted in the upper world, ruled the kingdom of the dead. Although it was a fierce and ruthless god, can not appeased or prayer or sacrifice, it was not malignant.

Poseidon, the sea god, son of the Titan Cronus and Rhea titánide and brother of Zeus and Hades, Anfitrite husband was one of the Nereids, with whom she had a son, Triton. Poseidon, however, had numerous other love affairs, especially with nymphs of springs and sources, and was father of several children famed for their savagery and cruelty, among them the giant Orion and the Cyclops Polyphemus. Poseidon and the Gorgon Medusa were the parents of Pegasus, the famous winged horse.

Ares, god of war and son of Zeus, king of the gods, and his wife Hera. Aggressive and sanguinary, Ares personified the brutal nature of the war, and was unpopular for the gods to humans. Hermes, messenger of the gods, son of the god Zeus and Maya, the daughter of the titan Atlas. As a special mail server and Zeus, Hermes had winged sandals and a hat and carried a gold Caduceo or wand with snakes wound and wings on top. Guided the souls of the dead to the underworld and was believed to possess magical powers on sleep.

Hermes was the god of trade, the protector of traders and herders. As a deity of athletes, protected the stadiums and gyms, and I felt responsible for good luck and abundance. Despite his virtuous characteristics, was also a dangerous enemy, trickster and thief. The day of his birth he stole the herd of his brother, the sun god Apollo, obscuring their way to make the herd walk backward. Faced with Apollo, Hermes denied having stolen. The brothers eventually reconciled when Hermes gave Apollo his lyre, recently invented. In early Greek art, Hermes is represented as a mature bearded man, in the classical art, as an athletic young man, beardless and naked as can be seen in the Hermes of Praxiteles at Olympia

Dionysus, god of wine and pleasure, was among the most popular gods. The Greeks many festivals dedicated to this god telluric, and in some regions became so important as Zeus. Often accompanying a great host of gods that included satyrs, centaurs and nymphs. The Satyrs were creatures with goat legs and upper body was human or simiesca. The centaurs had the head and torso of a man and the rest of the body of horse. The beautiful and lovely nymphs frequented forests.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Merlin was a magician who is believed to have lived at the end of the sixth century AD. Is undoubtedly the most famous magician in history. The origins of Merlin is said to have been fathered by the demon (incubus) Asmodée a corrupt mind, who joined unlawfully a nun, other versions suggest less tricky that Merlin was conceived by his mother without any intervention male. Finally, others believe that begat the magic of antiquity.

In any case, it seems that Merlin was created initially to attract to humans to the dark side, but decided to do just grow the opposite: he became spiritual guide of his time, and advisor to various kings, as Vortigern, Uther Pendragon and the famous Arthur of Camelot.

Merlin is considered the most powerful magician in history. As account in the different literary works that have protagonist, was able to talk to the animals, change shape, to become invisible, and also control the weather and the elements, these skills while employed with the utmost care not to enrage the powerful nature. Merlin was said to have contacts with fairies, gnomes, and even with dragons, he is considered the only man who won respect and admiration of these monsters, not only for his kindness and wisdom but also for their artistic talents was a master of poetry and literature. He finished his days in the forest of Broceliande (Brittany), where he was detained in a tree by his partner Vivian.

Markale interprets the myth of Prison Hottie in the forest as the symbol of cosmic union between man and nature. Other versions referred to as the cell where he was confined to a cave, and a glass cage. And as there is still hope that someone would release it.