Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Commonly confused with misogyny to an extreme form of sexism and even machismo. This notion is wrong: misogyny is not to be in favor of the predominance of men over women, but to think that man must be freed from any dependence on the female gender. Women, and resulted in the conception and the family are regarded as aberrant and unacceptable, or in any case, maybe good or for others, but not for oneself.

This aversion is not exclusive to men. The Spanish writer Anna Caballé (see bibliography) has shown that many women have been and are misogynistic. Misogyny has been regarded as a cultural backwardness rooted in the concept of male superiority, which the role of women is devoted exclusively to home and playing.

Arthur Schopenhauer, one of the greatest philosophers of the nineteenth century, misogyny expressed in this way: The more noble and perfect is a being, is more slow and slow to reach maturity. Hardly a man reaches the maturity of his power reasoned mind before the twenty-eight years, while a woman does at eighteen

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