Saturday, April 18, 2009


In many civilizations believed in reincarnation. Added to this vision and within the study of metaphysics, ghosts are souls that refuse to be 'recycled' within the cycle of samsara (cycle of reincarnation), they have left some unfinished task. The perfect metaphysical or exorcists of various faiths can help the ghost to be reincarnated or disappearance of the existence of this dimension Quaternary (as Metaphysics).

The belief in china and india, in addition to reincarnate, a ghost can also choose to immortality, becoming a demigod and power through his spiritual elevation transcend various levels, in addition to serving human beings, or you can go to hell and suffer karmáticos cycles. Other Eastern religions such as Shinto in Japan, recognize the existence of spirits of any kind and accepting the belief in ghosts as part of life cotidiana.A that modern man has developed new communication technologies, stakeholders engage in with the ghosts have sought to use for this purpose: for example, speaks of psicofonías (sound recordings in which he allegedly heard the voice or the movement of some deceased) and psicoimágenes (static or moving images in which, allegedly, a ghostly presence can be distinguished). However, those who seek to justify the existence of another world and communicate with it must first justify why almost all spiritual manifestations are often applications of psychology of deceit or fraud.

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