Monday, April 20, 2009


According to anthropological research, the black race was the first to appear on Earth after hominization (transformation of apes into humans primates). This happened in equatorial Africa, Tanzania and Kenya today, it makes a couple of million years .

The pigmentation of human skin due to a substance called melanin, which is highly concentrated in people of darker races. Its purpose is to protect the skin from the damaging ultraviolet rays of the burning sun of the torrid zones.

The proportion of melanin decreases in direct ratio to the clarity of the skin, so people are more white in Northern Europe, because there are different needs, take advantage of every ray of sun which in turn helps in the reaction of ergosterol of the skin to produce vitamin D, a high percentage of melanin would be a barrier to prevent such exploitation. The variety of skin tones is the diverse and expansive peopling of mankind since prehistoric times, migrating to more temperate, less inhospitable and start in pursuit of big game animals.

Therefore there is no support for eugenic theories that defend the supremacy of certain races on the contrary, diversity was due to the circumstances of a long evolutionary process and biological adaptation and migration, not otherwise.

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