Thursday, April 16, 2009

Greek Gods

Greek Mythology is the beliefs and ritual observances of the Ancient Greeks, whose civilization was configured to 2000 a.C. Consists mainly of a body of diverse stories and legends about a variety of gods.

The Greeks believed that the gods had chosen Mount Olympus, in a region of Greece called Thessaly, as his residence. At Olympus, the gods formed a society organized in terms of authority and powers, moving with complete freedom and formed three groups controlling two branches: the sky or heaven, sea and land. The twelve main gods, usually called Olympic, were: Zeus, Hera, Hefesto, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite, Hestia, Hermes, Demeter and Poseidon.

Zeus is Greek mythology, the god of heaven and ruler of the Olympic gods. Zeus is the Roman god Jupiter. According to Homer, Zeus was considered the father of gods and mortals. It was not the creator of gods and men was his father, in the sense sovereign and protector of both the Olympic family and the human race. Lord of heaven, the god of rain and clouds gather brandished the terrible thunderbolt. His main weapon was the aegis, his bird the eagle, his tree, oak. Zeus presided over the gods on Mount Olympus, in Thessaly.

Hera is in Greek mythology, queen of the gods, daughter of Titans Cronus and Rhea, sister and wife of the god Zeus. Hera was the goddess of marriage and the protector of married women. She was the mother of Ares, god of war, Hefesto of, god of fire, Hebe, goddess of youth, and Ilitía, goddess of childbirth. Jealous women, Hera persecuted often the lovers and the sons of Zeus. Never forget an insult and was known for her vindictive nature.

Hefesto, the god of fire and metallurgy, the son of god Zeus and the goddess Hera Hefesto was lame and he was kicked out of gawky Olympus by Hera who rejected it for his deformity Artemisa. Was the daughter of the god Zeus and Leto and twin sister of Apollo. Was the leading gods and goddesses of the hunt and wild animals, especially bears, Artemis was the goddess of childbirth, of nature and of crops and goddess of the moon Apollo was especially the god of prophecy. His most important oracle was at Delphi, the site of his victory over python. I used to give the gift of prophecy to those who loved to death.

Athena. emerged as adults in front of the god Zeus and was his favorite daughter. He trusted his shield, adorned with the hideous head of Medusa the Gorgon, his' leadership 'and Lightning, its main weapon. Virgin goddess, received the name of Parthena ( 'virgin'). In gratitude to Athena had given them the olive tree, the people of Athens raised temples to the goddess, the most important was the Parthenon on the Acropolis in Athens. Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty budding legends describe the foam of the sea and its name can be translated as "born of the foam. In Homeric legend, Aphrodite is the wife Hefesto of the lame and ugly god of fire. Among her lovers included Mars, the god of war, which later appeared in mythology as her husband. She was the rival of Persephone, queen of the underworld, for the love of the beautiful Greek youth Adonis.

Hades, god of the dead. Titan was the son of Cronos and Rea and titánide the brother of Zeus and Poseidon. When the three brothers divided the universe after it ousted his father, Cronus, Hades was awarded to the underground world. There, with his queen, Persephone, who had abducted in the upper world, ruled the kingdom of the dead. Although it was a fierce and ruthless god, can not appeased or prayer or sacrifice, it was not malignant.

Poseidon, the sea god, son of the Titan Cronus and Rhea titánide and brother of Zeus and Hades, Anfitrite husband was one of the Nereids, with whom she had a son, Triton. Poseidon, however, had numerous other love affairs, especially with nymphs of springs and sources, and was father of several children famed for their savagery and cruelty, among them the giant Orion and the Cyclops Polyphemus. Poseidon and the Gorgon Medusa were the parents of Pegasus, the famous winged horse.

Ares, god of war and son of Zeus, king of the gods, and his wife Hera. Aggressive and sanguinary, Ares personified the brutal nature of the war, and was unpopular for the gods to humans. Hermes, messenger of the gods, son of the god Zeus and Maya, the daughter of the titan Atlas. As a special mail server and Zeus, Hermes had winged sandals and a hat and carried a gold Caduceo or wand with snakes wound and wings on top. Guided the souls of the dead to the underworld and was believed to possess magical powers on sleep.

Hermes was the god of trade, the protector of traders and herders. As a deity of athletes, protected the stadiums and gyms, and I felt responsible for good luck and abundance. Despite his virtuous characteristics, was also a dangerous enemy, trickster and thief. The day of his birth he stole the herd of his brother, the sun god Apollo, obscuring their way to make the herd walk backward. Faced with Apollo, Hermes denied having stolen. The brothers eventually reconciled when Hermes gave Apollo his lyre, recently invented. In early Greek art, Hermes is represented as a mature bearded man, in the classical art, as an athletic young man, beardless and naked as can be seen in the Hermes of Praxiteles at Olympia

Dionysus, god of wine and pleasure, was among the most popular gods. The Greeks many festivals dedicated to this god telluric, and in some regions became so important as Zeus. Often accompanying a great host of gods that included satyrs, centaurs and nymphs. The Satyrs were creatures with goat legs and upper body was human or simiesca. The centaurs had the head and torso of a man and the rest of the body of horse. The beautiful and lovely nymphs frequented forests.

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